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Rueda de Casino Baltimore strives to provide high quality service. We offer different levels and we base our curriculum on the Miami Rueda system. We combine Cuban and Miami style, and we season it with Afro-Cuban folklore dances.

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  • What type of shoes should I wear? +

    Any shoes with a bottom that will allow you to slide on the floor. Leather or suede work well. We highly suggest flat shoes for this style of dance.
  • Do you offer private lessons? +

    Yes, please contact Cedric for rates and more information.
  • Do you need a partner to come to class? +

    No you do not need a partner.
  • Do I need to know Spanish? +

    No. Although many calls in a rueda circle are in Spanish, you will not have any trouble understanding the calls.
  • Is this the same as salsa? +

    No, this is different. Please read the section about the history of rueda de casino and casino partner dancing.
  • Do I need to have any prior dancing experience? +

    No, we take people from all different levels from no prior experience to very experienced. We have something to offer everyone.
  • What forms of payment do you accept for your classes? +

    As of now we only accept cash. In the near future we may accept online paypal payments.
  • Do I have to pre-register for class or can I just drop-in? +

    All of our classes at Circle of Friends are drop-in. There are a few other places Cedric teaches that may not accept drop-ins. If they are not drop in, it will be noted on the class schedule page. Please check there or feel free to contact us for more information.
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